Business Systems designed to improve your productivity and bottom line.

The Benefits of Improved Business Systems

Create, refine, and align your business systems and processes to make smarter decisions, adopt automation where appropriate, and maximize technologies – helping you spend less time doing and more time innovating.

  • Leverage usability testing to uncover internal pain points and business opportunities – helping to reduce errors, training costs, and streamline processes  
  • Build applications to communicate more effectively with internal stakeholders, customers, or partners 
  • Modernize existing internal and external applications and technologies 
  • Leverage modern technologies to empower employees and drive innovation 

Our Business Systems Services  

We deliver reliable solutions to improve productivity and innovation through:  

  • Web Portals
  • CRM Management  
  • Custom .Net Applications 
  • Sales & Marketing Apps 
  • Customer Self-service Apps 
  • Customer Service & Support Apps 
  • Workplace Innovation Apps 
  • Process Automation Apps 

The Paragon Difference on Business System Solutions

Our lean, agile, and iterative development approach coupled with our industry-leading technology partnerships allows for rapid productivity. Get your digital solution to market with increased speed and confidence. 

31% of businesses have fully-automated at least one business function. (McKinsey)

Clients we’ve served:

We’re customer experience architects

See Our Services
Paragon uncovers deep customer insights to help organizations envision and execute their most complex digital objectives—and then managed, maintain and evolve them to exceed customer expectations.
Paragon Wave
Sketch of a butterfly in black and white

Envision with insight.

Insights & Vision
Drawing of a butterfly taking flight in greyscale

Execute with confidence.

Design & Development
Artwork of a butterfly with wings spread in full color

Evolve with innovation.

Continuous Innovation